12th September 2016

Our first of 16 calves has appeared!

It was TB testing last week, and on Friday we faced the depressing news that three of our bought-in heifers were IR’s or to be more […]
12th September 2016

Anxiously awaiting news of TB & solar panels now adorn the roof!

Having spent the bulk of my working life on ‘red alert’ as I navigated my colleagues and myself through an uncertain and only too ready to […]
5th September 2016

A good week: no sheep lost, the barn is complete & a successful application!

As I write this our sitting room is occupied by a gaggle of grandchildren and their parents and the noise level is amazing – but we […]
17th August 2016

A summer fete success!

We have had rather a frenetic week but it ended well. Though today, Sunday, there is a considerable measure of tiredness in young and old alike. […]
8th August 2016

Thoughts on climate change and farming with the new WWOOF-ers

Sunday morning, the sun is shining, the humid air has been shunted off (so the threat of fly strike is reduced), we have had rain, Jupiter […]
3rd August 2016

A busy time on the social front & a good month for our business park!

And still no rain! All the more ironic in that the flooding in our neighbour’s field turns out to be the main water pipe to the […]
30th June 2016

Swings and roundabouts: Brexit and new calves on the way

I am writing this on the 29th June. Politics is not something I normally comment upon but the decision of last week to leave the EU […]
21st June 2016

The green energy project has begun!

A rather mixed week here in the farm. We have of course been pleased to have the rain together with enough warmth to keep the pastures […]
13th June 2016

Hey ho a farmer’s life is full of joy

A week of sunshine and strangely high temperatures which, with little rain, has meant for this farm the pastures are cracking as the clay dries out […]