9th May 2016

What a gorgeous weekend, and the lambs are still arriving!

Last year lambing was done and dusted by May 3rd. Not surprisingly given the staggered introduction of the Rams we still have a handful of ewes […]
3rd May 2016

A successful AGM & a big thank you to Wwoofers

Lambing is now more than 80% complete, the weather forecast suggests less numbingly cold nights and we had a successful Benefit Society AGM so all in […]
25th April 2016

A mix of highs and lows on the farm, but the school visits cheered us up!

It seems typical that just as the pastures and puddles dry up and the grass begins to grow that the weather suddenly turns cold, grey and […]
18th April 2016

A visit from The Friends of Himbleton School and our first veg order from Worcester Roots

A lovely weekend, with the sun shining and the wind, though chill, was light. All good since ‘The Friends of Himbleton School’ are with us for […]
11th April 2016

Greater Spotted woodpeckers, tawny owls, barn owls but no great rush of lambs, just yet!

A quite extraordinary week on the farm in that so little has happened! No rush of lambs and no more calves but lots more rain and enough […]
6th April 2016

24 lambs, 6 calves and counting!

Not only is the sun shining but it is warm enough for ‘Boots’ to be in shorts! A rather unusual week in that calving rather than […]
28th March 2016

The Easter weekend brings us Spring lambs & calves..

Easter Monday and, for the moment at least, the rain has stopped and the sun is shining. The big news is that both lambing and calving […]
21st March 2016

Calving & lambing has begun!

A cold, grey but dry week means that though our pastures are much drier the grass has not been growing and lambing has begun – with our […]
14th March 2016

Recovering from the worst flood Rush Farm has seen since 2007…

This weekend we have had sunshine and the feeling that spring might actually be on the way; however on Tuesday we had our worst flood since […]