The Story of Rush Farm
Rush Farm farmhouse dates back to at least the 16th Century when it was probably no more than a hovel. It was extended in the 18th Century, with it’s outbuildings and farm buildings dating from the Victorian period. The Hillman family farmed the land for 80 years up until the 1980’s and were a notable part of the local, but also much wider community. A friend of the family was Godfrey Baseley, creator of the very popular, classic series The Archers. We believe that script meetings took place at the farm house and some of the early episodes were even recorded there. The Hillmans, raised horses and cattle, producing a Cheltenham Gold Cup winner. Pat Smythe, one of Britain’s premier female showjumpers, was a family friend. Where the straight gallop once was cowslips now thrive, while the barn now sits where part of the gallop once was and the old fences which defined it are slowing falling apart and becoming assigned of history.
Here is a copy of the Radio Times from the 2nd November 1951, of the Archers’ cast members sitting around the fire place, and taken in Rush Farmhouse.