An update from the garden and a new charity partner: Worcester Roots!

An update from the garden and a new charity partner: Worcester Roots!

Mixed fortunes this weekend, success in the rugby and abject failure in the cricket but at least we have some fine, if chilly weather!

We did manage to capture this snap of our guinea fowl, settling down for the night:

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Not a great deal to report from the farm – though Chris and I did quite a bit of driving as we took lambs to various destinations. Of course animals had to be fed and paperwork done but otherwise itScreen Shot 2016-02-15 at 12.00.17 was in the garden that most activity could be seen as Becky and Jasper prepare for greater production for this year now we are expecting to be much more involved with Worcester Roots the charity which works with 16 to 25 year olds in the Worcester area.

We have had a number of enquiries from would be Wwoofers and accepted some but at this stage still have opportunities available.

Around the farmhouse itself a lot has been achieved and I can now imagine a time when the site will look  less like a scene from a story by H E Bates – don’t get me wrong I am no more a Pa Larkin than Anne is his wife!

What is really cheering is to see not just snowdrops in full flower but also the blackthorn. A lifetime ago when we lived in Africa I imagined flowering scrubs and trees only to be found in the tropics. I now know so much better. Here the blackthorn and  marabelle plums follow on from the flowering apricots and when their time is past the stone fruits follow before the hawthorn and horse chestnuts display their blossoms.

As one of my favourite, and no doubt more irritating statements, goes – we don’t know how lucky we are.

– Farmer Adrian

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