The green energy project has begun!

A rather mixed week here in the farm. We have of course been pleased to have the rain together with enough warmth to keep the pastures growing. We were less pleased when all the cows, from two fields managed to get out and decided to visit the business park. Quite how this happened remains a mystery but hopefully it was not caused by maliciousness. Anyway they are together again in the field by the drive and give every appearance of being at ease with the world.

Cows of Stockwood

The Rush Farm traditional Herefordshire cattle being rounded back into their fields

A slightly different story as regards the sheep. We lost our fourth ewe this year which is slightly fewer than last year but think we may have lost twenty lambs to clostridial diseases which is more than last year. Aided by Sophie our excellent French woofer all the lambs were weighed and though the gains are not spectacular given how we farm satisfactory at least.

The garden is now producing much more than just salads. We have enjoyed broad beans, dwarf French beans and peas in addition to the salad crops which have been doing well for over a month now. What we really need now is some sunshine to go with the warmth!

The weather only allowed the spraying of half the farm with the biodynamic preparation 500 so completing that programme is a task for this week.


The building work has started for our exciting new green energy project

Earth Source Energy have begun the work associated with the green energy project that the SCBS is financing. Inevitably this is going to cause disruption on the farm as they have to lay 10 kilometres of pipe at a depth of 1.20 metres at intervals of 1 metre in our field 2!

Should the weather allow we need to arrange for the first cut of hay/haylage within the next couple of weeks as the grasses are heading up. Mention of grass heading up reminds me just how bad the hay fever is for all of us here who suffer it! Quite absurd really that we are engaged in this activity given our allergic reactions to just about everything under the sun.

I mentioned Sophie earlier. Very sadly she leaves us tomorrow. We have been so lucky this year with our Wwoofers! Last night we were joined by Sam, also from France, who is here for six weeks and is studying agriculture at his university. We look forward to his time with us.

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