While today will apparently, literally, be the calm before the storm, so these last two weeks have felt similarly eerily quiet.

The lambs are content and growing well, with some 27 off to Fordhall Farm later today. The remaining 40 will continue to fatten up. The pregnant ewes are content, and with scanning next week, we will then know how many we are expecting come April. All fingers crossed for twins please! The cattle remain peaceful in the barn, all bar one heifer who decided she wanted out. Cows are incredibly adept at being able to untie string, meaning the gates are now secured with double knots! Pretty bows are no match for an inquisitive or bored cow!

The greatest low in the last fortnight came in the form of the favourite pitchfork deciding enough was enough. The replacement is fine in the tines, but badly weighted, so not as easy to use, or hold. How can these tools differ so much between themselves? It is one of those mysteries akin to wondering where all the lost socks go…

Around us, the winter aconites are up in the spinney, and snowdrops are starting to bud. The daffodils along the driveway are showing their tips, and the Song Thrush is encouraging us once again from the hedgerows to get on a ‘do it’. A woodpecker can now be heard most afternoons, and the Field Fare and Red Wings are still daily visitors to the fields. The Moles are on the move, many hills especially through the Ram’s Field, but also across the gardens. Collecting the soil for sowing compost is now a job on the list! Listening to an interesting talk, Alice learnt that Goat Willow is naturally full of cobalt, and a perfect addition to weaning lambs’ diet. We have so many in the hedgerow, all we now need to do is remember it when the time comes in late April, early May. Goat Willow, you may remember was one of Adrian’s favourite spring shows’ so how lovely that it is also so useful!

In the veg garden, the carrots are sown, and the trees that we collected from Wychavon Council as part of their “trees in landscape” project have been heeled in, waiting on calmer weather before planting. The Pantry’s readiness for opening on the 29th continues apace. Thistle is the official “Pantry Pup”, and, with another perfect example of hope triumphing amid adversity, training for the coffee machine, now named Nigella, though lengthy, ended in success!

Composed During A Storm by William Wordsworth

One who was suffering tumult in his soul,
Yet failed to seek the sure relief of prayer,
Went forth—his course surrendering to the care
Of the fierce wind, while mid-day lightnings prowl
Insidiously, untimely thunders growl;
While trees, dim-seen, in frenzied numbers, tear
The lingering remnant of their yellow hair,
And shivering wolves, surprised with darkness, howl
As if the sun were not. He raised his eye
Soul-smitten; for, that instant, did appear
Large space (‘mid dreadful clouds) of purest sky,
An azure disc—shield of Tranquillity;
Invisible, unlooked-for, minister
Of providential goodness ever nigh!

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