Apart from a torrential downpour in the early hours of Saturday morning we have had no rain and no chill winds. Indeed, the problem (if that is the correct way to put it) is that plants in pots and in the greenhouses now need daily watering.
Aside from another lamb lost to clostridial disease – and why is it that it is always a large strong lamb that gets it – all seems well on the farm. With over 500 sheep we obviously cannot expect any of our fields to meet their needs for many days but at least the grass is growing well now; by the end of June we should be in a position to take haylage from at least three if not four fields.
The cattle are less demanding but it’s that time of year when Jupiter has to be removed from his ladies and the older calves weaned. We will put a couple of steers in with the bull to keep him company and must locate him at some distance from the members of his harem if he is not to cause us trouble! Thank goodness the cattle respect electric fencing since even first rate stock fencing will not hold any animal really keen on getting out.
In social terms it has been a quiet week with no WWOOF-ers onsite and no visitors either until yesterday when the Willow hedgehog rescue group brought over two rescued animals to release in our wood. Though we have not seen or heard anything of the four released last year the assumption has to be that all went well for them and we wish our two new residents well.
On the day to day front Leslie continues to be invaluable covering for Katja, who had a week away to regroup after the intensity of lambing, in looking after the lambs in the ‘orphanage’. The larger ones are now in the triangle and not making a very good job of keeping the grass down – not nearly as good a job in fact as the four Rams in their rather bigger home field.
This weekend much of the activity has been on the business park making a newly released unit ready for the new tenants who aim to move in shortly and also in the farmhouse garden moving a rather substantial Wendy house. The work continues tomorrow when the home team is expanded by Katja who returns having had a good time in Cornwall.
We had some concern for Janine and Marisa and their drive back to Germany given all we had read about petrol issues in France so were pleased to hear of their safe return home. Sophie, who joins us on Sunday, is to come by plane so we assume she will have no travel problems!